For the Sake of the Most Vulnerable, Let’s Work Together

January 20, 2014

Poverty is systemic and government must have a role in reducing it. This is not an ideological assertion but a basic truth given the size of the problem and the complexity of modern society. The Census Bureau reports that government safety net programs cut the poverty rate last year by nearly half. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, kept 4 million people out of poverty, and most of that support went to families with children and a wage-earner with a job that didn’t pay enough to fully feed their families. Without a safety net, the poverty rate would have been 29 percent in 2012, according to an analysis of the Census report by USA Today. Government benefits protected 41 million people, including 9 million children, from poverty.

Conservatives need to stop saying that government programs don’t reduce poverty, because the facts demonstrate that is just not true. Referring to safety nets as “hammocks” simply betrays a lack of knowledge of, or relationship with, people who are struggling and need help. Government is not always the enemy, but often a valuable partner.

Yet, liberals cannot imply that government alone is enough, or that the safety net is capable of completely lifting people out of poverty. After all, the whole idea of the safety net is that it catches you after a fall. There are vital programs that protect people from poverty during hard times and keep many people from falling into further impoverishment, but they do not eliminate the root causes. The problems of family breakdown in our society need to be taken seriously and the cultural pathologies poverty creates require a response. Both social and personal responsibility are needed to end poverty. Economic opportunity must be actually available to everyone, especially lower-income people and families. This is a basic premise and goal that should be the starting point of the conversation between liberals and conservatives.

SOURCE: Want to Win the War on Poverty? For the Sake of the Most Vulnerable, Let’s Work Together – Jim Wallis | God’s Politics Blog | Sojourners.

I just received another moving email from my friends over at Sojourners. Above is part of that message.  As usual in our political system the truth lies somewhere between the two-party extremes of wanting to eliminate all help for citizens struggling and trying to fix all the problems with government programs.

There is a medium point between blaming those who have for one reason or another gotten themselves into trouble and those who think their problems can be totally fixed with government resources without doing something to address the underlying problems, and corresponding lack of responsibility, which caused the distress.  As mentioned above BOTH social and personal responsibilities are needed to end poverty. You can’t do it with only one of these solutions.

I can only dream that someday those yahoos in Washington can put aside their petty bickering and come to an agreement on this very powerful problem.

2 responses to For the Sake of the Most Vulnerable, Let’s Work Together


    Somehow SNAP needs to be unhooked from farm subsidies. Going to the store with a SNAP or WIC card is like going into a minefield. Only certain products can be purchased, silly stuff like certain types of orange juice or milk- not necessarily the least expensive or best for you. That is because of the farm subsidies. Beans that have to be soaked, cleaned and cooked. Who has time for that when working two min wage jobs?
    At least they have changed to all to a credit card, which stops many judgmental store clerks from making people feel bad.
    I taught how to cook with SNAP foods in my Home Ec class. . I offered it at county and they shrugged their collective shoulders ( much like your pastor story yesterday. )
    I’d love to see a dialogue on how the system can be fixed. There has to be a way. I’m in DC three times a year. I could start lobbying if there was a solution.



    I, too, would love to see a dialogue rather than rancor or name calling. Great post.
