An Inspiring Spring Day

May 5, 2013

Spring 2013 Front Yard


I have chosen the crabapple tree in the front yard as my inspiration theme for this Sunday. I just love watching things come back to life after a dormant cold season. The horses across the street are wintered someplace else. This was the first week they were back.

5 responses to An Inspiring Spring Day


    What a beautiful view you have! I face buildings with some trees in the distance. Enjoy it.



      Hi Donna, yeah the view was one of the main deciding factors when we bought this old 1925 farm house thirteen years ago. We have never tired of it. Especially during the Spring months.



    You are lucky your view hasn’t changed. I use to have an unobstructed view, but now they are building everywhere. I can still see the sunrise, but I think eventually I won’t.



    How can one enter each day in anything but a peaceful centering when given this scene? Thank you for sharing–Barb



      Hi Barb, one of my favorite things now is getting out once a week to mow our two+ acres of grass. That is a very peaceful time for me. I also spend a lot of time “on the mountain” as I say which is the highest point on our property. I have a full width glider up there and do a lot of reading/napping while swinging away. We looked long and hard to find this property. My wife wasn’t too happy with the old 1925 farm house on it but I could see the bones better than she. After the remodel she says she can’t think of another place she would like to be.
