Not Your City Slicker Lawn…

April 29, 2014

Country Spring 006I guess it is officially Spring now as all the country yard flowers and in full bloom. Now I know all you city slickers out there call my flowers as shown here weeds but you got to get over that idea. 😉  God just didn’t intend that only one variety of his creation was to appear on your front yard.  But I do have to admit that my wife gets on me from time to time about how our lawn seems to have everything but grass growing on it.

Living in the country means putting up with all the critters that also live here. And those critters can be plants as well as animals.  I don’t spend a lot of my time, especially in the Spring months looking down at my yard. Instead I spend it looking out at all of God’s wonders around me. Click on any of the picture here to get a little bigger view.